The Coach & Doc Podcast

With a mission to bring the listener insight from the best of the best in the coaching profession, subscribe to listen or watch Hunter and Chris conduct one of their latest interviews.

How to Build a Thick Institution

Read and watch the story of how Chris and Hunter redesigned the Oxford High School football team’s culture over a three-year period to help propel the program to its first ever state championship.

Book Coach & Doc for a Keynote

Hunter & Chris are two dynamic speakers with a passion for helping people get better in the context of a team. Contact them to learn more about how their keynote can take your organization to the next level. 

Taylor Sports Club

A semi-regular storytelling event where Chris and Hunter interview different SEC legends in front of a live audience on the grounds of Taylor, Mississippi’s Plein Air neighborhood. Learn more about TSC’s upcoming events and become a member today for special offers.

The Retreat

In the summer, Coach & Doc conducts an invitation-only, two-day retreat for a select group of College and High School Coaches from across the country.